Summary of the 11 February 2025 meeting of the X.Org Foundation Board of Directors
Present: Arkadiusz Hiler, Lyude Paul, Mark Filion, Simon Ser, Neal Gompa, Erik Faye-Lund,
Absent: Christopher Michael, Pono
Agenda: Hosting, elections, XDC, date change
Items discussed
ITEM: XDC Mark is working with organizers to get the indico website ready ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: Hosting We're making good progress here, updates to come soon! ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: Elections Preparation for this should begin over the next week or two by the election committee ACTIONS: STATUS: Pending ITEM: Date change Some time slot conflicts have arisen with some board members, so we've decided to reschedule the meetings from every other Wednesday to every other Monday. ACTIONS: STATUS: Done