Summary of the 14 March 2019 meeting of the X.Org Foundation Board of Directors Full IRC meeting logs are posted at IrcLogs


Present: Daniel Vetter, Rob Clark, Eric Anholt, Harry Wentland, Bryce Harrington,


Taylor Campbell, Keith Packard, Martin Peres,


Agenda: elections, gsoc, treasurer report, xdc sponsors, xdc19 website, weblink sponsors

Upcoming election: - 6 candidates running for the Board election! - fd.o + merger bylaw vote (requires 2/3rd of all members to approve, we'll need every vote)

Gsoc student applications start 25th March

Items discussed

ITEM: elections
Board candidates announced, but a fumble with the bylaw change ommitted.
Election commmittee decides to delay voting start by 1 week.
ACTIONS: Harry to send out new mail to highlight bylaw vote and announce
election timeline change.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: gsoc
Studen application will start 25th Mar.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: treasurer report
Some minor differences still to reconcile with SPI's report. Reconciling
previous years tricky since we don't have a public record of treasuere mails.
Should that be an ML?
ACTIONS: Eric keeps ramping up and working on the report.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: xdc sponsors
Daniel distracted with vacations.
ACTIONS: Daniel to get started pinging potential sponsors for xdc19
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: xdc19 website
Plan is to use indico (same as lpc) for xdc19, for a better cfp process. Marting
missed the meeting because DST, so no updates
STATUS: Pending