Summary of the 01 February 2018 meeting of the X.Org Foundation Board of Directors Full IRC meeting logs are posted at IrcLogs
Present: Alex Deucher, Daniel Vetter, Bryce Harrington, Egbert Eich, Keith Packard, Rob Clark, Taylor Campbell,
Martin Peres,
Agenda: gsoc, treasurer's report, election, sponsoring
Memberships expired, elections will commence soon.
Items discussed
ITEM: Gsoc Application sent, answer in 2-3 weeks STATUS: Pending ITEM: treasurer report SPI expects that the financial data will only be available by July :-/ This is also trouble since we can't tell whether sponsors paid or not. ACTIONS: Bryce to poke SPI for faster turnaround STATUS: Pending ITEM: elections Membership renewal is in progres. Also discussed how much we really want to keep hacking on our current custom membership/voting platform that no one really seems to understand. Also need to start looking for board candidates ACTIONS: Rob will prep the wiki page with preliminary timeline proposal for the actual election STATUS: Pending ITEM: sponsoring Some confusion around sponsoring levels, need to push the unified sponsoring plan forward. Discussion about whether the more clickspam sponsors for the website are good or too much effort for little to no gain. The real sponsors all come in through XDC. Also talked about simplifiy the website sponsoring, to reduce admin overhead. ACTIONS: Bryce to propose an update for the website sponsoring policy. ACTIONS: Daniel to propose a clarification for about the XDC organizer discount and what it's meant to compensate. STATUS: Pending