Summary of the 13 April 2017 meeting of the X.Org Foundation Board of Directors Full IRC meeting logs are posted at IrcLogs


Present: Martin Peres, Alex Deucher, Daniel Vetter, Bryce Harrington, Keith Packard, Rob Clark, Egbert Eich, Taylor Campbell


Peter Hutterer,


Agenda: election, gsoc, evoc, website sponsorship, paperwork/finances, khronos, coc

Welcome board member Taylor, big thx to outgoing board member Peter!

Gsoc 6 complete, 2 evoc from latecomers (need better PR).

Items discussed

ITEM: elections
ACTIONS: Bryce to update board@ members&admins (remove Peter, add Taylor)
ACTIONS: Taylor+Martin to send gpg key to Bryce
ACTIONS: Rob+Taylor to become board server admins, taking over from Peter.
ACTIONS: Rob+Taylor to update the membership agreement everywhere (but
especially on the new member form on
ACTIONS: Daniel to start a thread to figure out a better mtg slot for Europe
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: gsoc/evoc
Got 7 proposals, 6 completed all requirements thus far. Have mentors for all of
ACTIONS: Martin to add Taylor as gsoc org admin.
ACTIONS: Rob to follow up on evoc requests
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: sponsorship placement on the website
We got an inquiry.
ACTIONS: Bryce to draft a sponsoring plan.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: paperwork
No news from Delaware.
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: khronos
No update.
ACTIONS: Martin to pester SPI again
STATUS: Pending

ITEM: code of conduct
Bunch of comments and discussions.
ACTIONS: Everyone to summarize their thoughts on the board@ thread
STATUS: Pending