Notes form X.Org BoD telecon Feb 28, 2006

Stuart Kreitman (SK)
Stuart Anderson (SA)
Jim McQuillan (JQ)
Kevin Martin (KM)
Leon Shiman (LS)
Egbert Eich (EE)

1. Approval of minutes and notes from last meeting
2. Report on exchange with assigned lawyer of SFLC
3. Bylaw workgroup (KM, SA, EE) report rewrite status
4. Report FOSDEM
5. Upcoming events

1. Approval of minutes and notes
   Minutes taken by LS and summary notes for publication by EE taken at
   last call were approved. Also new minute format which does not list
   individual statements but describes the course of the discussions and
   the arguments looked at was approved. It was noted as notes and minutes
   are taken independently that there may be slight differences due to
   different perspectives of the authors. It was agreed that this should
   not be a problem as long as the differences are insubstantial.
   It also was noted that each one serves a different purpose.

2. Report on exchange with assigned lawyer of SFLC
   LS as secretary reported reported that SFLC has assigned Karen Sandler
   as the laywer to help with the irc 501(c)3 filings and bylaw revisions.
   She will look into what has been filed so far and if it may be useful
   to redo things already done.
   SA has been appointed as the contact to the legal counsel by the bylaw

3. Bylaw workgroup (KM, SA, EE) report rewrite status
   The bylaw workgroup reported that it had met 3 times already however
   that further meetings are required to complete the task and provide
   a draft for board and legal review. March 6, is the current target
   date for completion. If there is a slip the board will be notified in
   Two of the bylaw workgroup members are also on the election committee;
   since the completion of the bylaw revision is a prerequisite for the
   election and is the more time consuming task the majority of the current
   effords were spent on it.

4. Report FOSDEM
   SK and EE have attended the FOSDEM X HotHouse and DevRoom. It was
   noted that the event was a big success, the HotHouse had attracted
   more participants than expected. It provided a good opportunity for
   developers to meet and exchange. The talks at the DevRoom were well
   visited (some were crowded).
   It was noted that there seems to be a disconnect between X.Org as
   an organization and the people who are working for X.Org as a
   development project.
   The board formally thanks Luc Verhagen for the excellent job he
   has done to organize the event.

5. Upcoming events
   X.Org has been invited to give a presentation at FOSE - a US government
   trade show held in Washington DC (USA).
   Also FISL at Brasil is coming up. JQ will be there and SK might.