[12:01:21] [connected at Wed Mar 22 12:01:21 2023] [12:01:21] [I have joined #xf-bod] [12:03:35] <Lyude> Hi everyone, time for rolecall: anholt_ alyssa mdnavare mfilion rg3igalia samuelig danvet [12:04:14] <danvet> hi [12:04:27] <rg3igalia> hi [12:06:47] <Lyude> hm, folks here? [12:06:57] <alyssa> hi [12:09:35] <samuelig> hi [12:09:47] <danvet> Lyude, admin vote on board@ for agenda [12:09:53] <danvet> pretty much only needs your reply for confirmation [12:10:30] <Lyude> Cool, I think that's enough folks as long as we don't have to vote on anything :s. Agenda for today: XDC2022/XDC2023, Matrix and not-twitter I still need to get to, admin vote for board@, do we have GSoC/EVoC stuff tlwoerner ? [12:11:12] <rg3igalia> I can also provide an update on the elections if you want [12:11:16] <tlwoerner> Lyude: sure [12:11:38] <Lyude> rg3igalia: yeah that would definitely be good :) [12:11:56] <Lyude> samuelig: you can also post the XDC stuff if you want (or I can, up to you) [12:12:51] <Lyude> tlwoerner: feel free to start btw [12:13:40] <samuelig> doing it [12:13:52] <samuelig> XDC 2022: anholt_ asked organizers to fill the reimbursement form in January 30th. But I don't know which is the current status of that. [12:14:04] <tlwoerner> Lyude: okay, thanks [12:14:15] <samuelig> XDC 2023: started working in the website. We have now the event created (https://indico.freedesktop.org/event/4/) but still needs to add content to it. Asked for DNS redirection and reset the sponsorbox: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freedesktop/freedesktop/-/issues/511 [12:14:31] <samuelig> The idea is to open the CfP at some moment in April [12:14:52] <samuelig> XDC 2024: as I am not running for re-election, somebody else needs to take over the task of coordinating the gathering of proposals, pinging people and so on. [12:15:02] <tlwoerner> potential GSoC contributors have until April 4, 1800UTC, to submit their applications/proposals [12:16:43] <tlwoerner> I'm currently aware of one student being mentored by Maíra and group for DRM code coverage, and another proposal for a pipewire project being mentored by Simon Ser [12:17:39] <tlwoerner> we're running afoul of an out-of-date ideas page, I encourage members to look over the ideas page to make sure it's up-to-date [12:17:55] <tlwoerner> https://www.x.org/wiki/SummerOfCodeIdeas/ [12:18:51] <Lyude> samuelig: sgtm [12:18:54] <tlwoerner> a third person, binhani, is looking at ideas [12:19:13] <tlwoerner> (that's all for me) [12:20:05] <rg3igalia> regarding elections and membership renewals, we have 60 members currently (pending to send a couple of reminders this week) [12:20:09] <Lyude> tlwoerner: cool, thanks for the update! Admin vote for board@ I'll just go over quick for the agenda (responded to it via email just now btw): we voted to approve a new freedesktop.org admin, Peter Hutterer [12:20:19] <Lyude> oops, sorry you can go rg3igalia :) [12:20:25] <rg3igalia> and we have 4 candidates so far [12:20:29] <danvet> Lyude, can you add whot to the wiki too [12:20:34] <Lyude> danvet: sure thing [12:20:53] <rg3igalia> a couple of unknown folks: lyude paul and daniel vetter, no idea who they are >:) [12:20:53] <danvet> https://www.x.org/wiki/XorgFoundation/Policies/Hosting/ [12:21:02] <danvet> Lyude, thx [12:22:53] <Lyude> rg3igalia: I guess anything else? [12:23:01] <rg3igalia> so I was thinking of extendind the nomination period a couple of weeks [12:23:24] <rg3igalia> sending a new email today for both self-nominations and membership renewals [12:23:47] <Lyude> yeah that seems fine to me, it almost always ends up taking a few tries to get candidates [12:23:50] <rg3igalia> I'm not sure it's worth keeping both dates separate as they were now following the process [12:23:54] <samuelig> rg3igalia, to get a couple more of nominations and have a real election? [12:24:10] <rg3igalia> exactly [12:26:10] <Lyude> rg3igalia: I forget, do we need a vote in order to do that btw? [12:26:18] <Lyude> or I guess that'd be up to the election committee [12:26:25] <rg3igalia> good question, I didn't check [12:26:34] <rg3igalia> but we can vote now that we're here and be safe [12:26:44] <danvet> we generally pushed the entire timeline, but that's up to election committee [12:27:07] <danvet> elections in April is way too late anyway, so *shrug* [12:27:32] <rg3igalia> we're roughly on the same timeline as last year :\ [12:27:39] <danvet> yeah we suck every year [12:27:42] <rg3igalia> which is not an excuse, I know :D [12:29:10] <Lyude> well it's a +1 from me, since yeah - it's the same as last year, if I'm still around for election committee next year I'll see if I can get things running on time [12:29:34] <rg3igalia> +1 from me obviously [12:30:05] <samuelig> +1 from me but just 2 weeks. I think if there are no more candidates after the end of the period, we can call it a day and just vote [12:30:17] <rg3igalia> samuelig: agreed [12:31:09] <rg3igalia> alyssa, danvet are you ok with that? [12:31:36] <danvet> I'm not on the election committee [12:32:04] <Lyude> yeah actually remembering now, I think we should be all set because yes - iirc that is up to the election committee [12:32:12] <Lyude> sorry, brain was blanking for a second heh [12:32:13] <rg3igalia> 👍 [12:32:16] <danvet> so this is on rg3igalia alyssa anholt_ and mfilion to decide [12:32:42] <danvet> unless someone decides to not re-run and join your party :-) [12:33:52] <Lyude> I think that's it for today then, thanks for coming everyone! [12:34:08] <samuelig> thanks everybody! [12:34:57] <danvet> cheers [12:36:02] <alyssa> rg3igalia: +1 [12:36:17] <rg3igalia> thanks, bye! [12:50:57] <mfilion> +1 from me too [13:30:30] <anholt_> rg3igalia: +1 to extension
[16:53:02] [disconnected at Wed Mar 22 16:53:02 2023]