Date is 2015-10-15, times are UTC+1.
22:47 -!- secretary [] has joined #xf-bod 22:47 < whot_> all hail the secretary bot! 22:54 < danvet> it replies when you ping it ... 22:57 < whot_> secretary: ping 22:58 < whot_> must have an awful ping time :) 22:58 < danvet> secretary, howdy 22:58 < secretary> danvet: I'm just the secretary, dutifully keeping logs of this meeting 22:58 < danvet> likes me more ;-) 22:59 < whot_> hehe 22:59 -!- whot_ is now known as whot 22:59 < danvet> it's not terribly bright 23:00 <+egbert> hi guys! 23:00 -!- robclark [] has joined #xf-bod 23:00 < danvet> hi all! 23:00 <+egbert> secretary, hi! 23:00 < whot> danvet: the board secretary doesn't have to be :) 23:00 < secretary> egbert: I'm just the secretary, dutifully keeping logs of this meeting 23:00 -!- marcoz [] has joined #xf-bod 23:00 < danvet> whot, a perk of the job 23:01 < mupuf_> hey al 23:01 < danvet> agd5f, marcoz, mupuf_ 23:01 < mupuf_> sorry for the late 23:01 < danvet> keithp, ping too 23:02 < danvet> we should have everyone now, so agenda 23:02 < stukreit> (treasurer here) 23:02 < danvet> bylaws, evoc, travel, 23:02 < danvet> anything else? 23:03 < agd5f> hello 23:03 < marcoz> Hi danvet, mupuf_ stukreit agd5f 23:03 < marcoz> hi whot 23:04 < danvet> I guess we can start with travel/evoc 23:04 < mupuf_> marcoz: Hi marcoz! 23:04 < danvet> stukreit, updates from juliet's payement? 23:05 < stukreit> yes, the second attempt to send the $500 has succeeded. She informed me yesterday 23:05 < danvet> so what happened to the first one? 23:06 < stukreit> and her aunt/sister ("my mother's daughter" is how she described her) gave me a US bank account number 23:06 < stukreit> our bank informed me that the first wire did not go through. 23:06 < danvet> iirc the first one was stuck somewhere in the catacombs of us banking ... 23:06 < danvet> ah ok, so we're all set (expect probably a few fees)? 23:06 < stukreit> I asked them why they didn't refund the $35 fee.. 23:07 < stukreit> dunno who's catacombs. Probably Cameroon's catacombs 23:07 < stukreit> So, if the board agrees, I will send the next payment to her "aunt's" US account. 23:07 < stukreit> or sister 23:07 < danvet> banks don't refund fees worldwide :( 23:08 <+egbert> +1 23:08 < stukreit> anyway, Ngassa has a GSOC relationship, so that's a positive 23:08 < danvet> imo that's ok, +1 23:08 < robclark> stukreit, +1 23:08 < danvet> agd5f, whot, keithp, marcoz ^^ 23:09 < marcoz> +1 23:09 < danvet> mupuf_, ^^ 23:09 < stukreit> the vote is so that in case an Agency contacts me about this I can say I asked the committee if everyone was cool with it. 23:09 < mupuf_> sorry 23:09 < mupuf_> +1 23:10 < danvet> yeah, sounds good, I'll record 23:10 < danvet> stukreit, do we still have something pending from xdc? 23:10 < whot> +1 23:10 < danvet> last minutes say marek and the bill from the university are still pending 23:10 < agd5f> +1 23:11 < stukreit> I sent money to Jake and Marek, still haven't gotten a bill from Seneca 23:12 <+egbert> agd5f: do you know if Tom has info about the bill? 23:12 < agd5f> egbert, not sure, but I can ping him 23:13 < danvet> agd5f, I've made a note 23:13 < danvet> thx 23:13 < stukreit> agd5f: your last ping to Tom was on 10/1 23:13 < danvet> yeah we had that ping in the last meeting too ;-) 23:13 < agd5f> yeah, I'll ping him again 23:14 < danvet> so I guess that's it for travel/sponsoring 23:14 < danvet> stukreit, thx for keeping track of all this 23:14 < danvet> next up: bylaws 23:14 < stukreit> sure thing 23:15 < danvet> still missing acks from half the board on the bylaws mupus posted to board@ ... 23:15 < mupuf_> yes, I think I left enough time since the last read that it makes sense for me to check it again 23:15 < mupuf_> and send another ack 23:15 < danvet> that's egbert, whot, robclark & keithp I think 23:15 < mupuf_> (on top of the implied one of me sending it :D) 23:15 < danvet> mupuf_, I figured since you've sent it you acked it too ;-) 23:16 < whot> sorry, still catching up from my vacation, will do this asap 23:16 < mupuf_> right :D 23:16 < robclark> oh.. hmm, that thread probably has dropped off the first page of my inbox by now.. 23:16 < danvet> there's about 2 mails per week for board@, it's not much :-P 23:17 < danvet> anyway, what else do we need to do to get spi ready for voting next year? 23:17 * danvet has no clue at all 23:17 < danvet> mupuf_, ? 23:18 < mupuf_> hard to tell 23:18 < mupuf_> it all depends on what you guys think 23:18 < mupuf_> I think that was all 23:18 < danvet> well I guess we need to ask them whether we can join spi or something like that ... 23:19 < robclark> danvet, yeah, I just need to filter it into it's own folder ;-) 23:19 < danvet> I wasn't around when that happened last time around 23:19 < agd5f> just heard back from Tom, he hasn't gotten the bill yet from Seneca, he's pinning them again 23:19 < mupuf_> there is the SFLC we wanted to contact, hence why I sent the email 23:19 < danvet> agd5f, thx 23:19 < robclark> ok, looks like just the two commits to bylaws since last version I looked at (assuming pdf in email matches 408f6e69).. 23:19 < whot> I'm pretty sure we need to approach SPI again, they need to extend their offer for us to join (the last one has expired) 23:20 < danvet> whot, who's done that last time around? 23:20 <+egbert> i think the idea was to do this when we are ready. 23:20 < whot> danvet: the secretary :P 23:20 < danvet> meh ... 23:20 <+egbert> that's what i remember at least 23:20 < danvet> oh well 23:20 < danvet> egbert, I've read somewhere it takes them a while to vote and all that 23:20 <+egbert> keithp has done that 23:20 < whot> egbert: yeah, we timed it so we were ready for voting and had the offer from SPI, once without the other doesn't make sense 23:21 < danvet> ok 23:21 < whot> oh, right, keithp pinged them at first. I just handled all the official bits after 23:21 <+egbert> they need a board meeting where they vote on this. 23:21 < whot> yep, and that can take a while 23:21 < danvet> there's been at least some review of the bylaws by them 23:22 < danvet> so we'd need to ping them again I guess once we're ok with the updated bylaws 23:22 <+egbert> i believe keithp also knows how often their board meetings take place 23:22 < danvet> but really no clue 23:22 < mupuf_> egbert: it was every month IIRC 23:22 < danvet> yeah keithp seems to not be around, probably travelling he said iirc 23:22 <+egbert> last time we had 90 days after the invitation to do our election. 23:22 < danvet> mupuf_, you have contacts? 23:22 < whot> 23:22 < mupuf_> The by-laws state that this must happen at least quarterly, but we aim for a monthly meeting at 20:30 UTC on the second Thursday of the month. 23:22 < whot> "monthly on the second thu" 23:23 < mupuf_> danvet: no contacts at all 23:23 < whot> mupuf_ can google too :) 23:23 < danvet> yeah cheap excuses 23:23 < mupuf_> whot: yeepee! 23:23 < mupuf_> danvet: ah ah, no seriously though 23:23 < danvet> anyway sounds like nothing to except read them bylaws 23:23 < mupuf_> I really have no contacts 23:23 < mupuf_> waaaaaiiiiitttt!!! 23:23 < mupuf_> I DO! 23:23 < danvet> hah, volunteered 23:24 < danvet> mupuf_, can you send the bylaws to those mysterious contacts too to double-check they'd still be ok? 23:24 < mupuf_> they will have to vote and give us 90 days 23:24 < mupuf_> so it is too early, I would like to have SFLC on the line so as we can discuss about how we could give them our status 23:25 < mupuf_> and in favour of this, they would review our bylaws :D 23:25 < mupuf_> but this time, I REALLY do not have any contacts! 23:25 * danvet confused 23:25 < danvet> what's SFLC now in there doing? 23:25 < mupuf_> SFLC got us our status 23:25 < mupuf_> we contacted them years ago 23:26 < whot> no, we can ask SPI that if they offer an invitation it be valid until after the board election in $month 23:26 < mupuf_> whot: oh, ok 23:26 < whot> I think the 90 day time limit is just the default, we can modify that 23:26 < danvet> yeah there's exception possible, as long as it's not unreasonable long iirc 23:26 < mupuf_> and SFLC said they were interested in keeping the status for us because the situation changed and it is very hard to create a new 501.3c (or whatever the numbers were) 23:28 < danvet> that sounds mighty complicated 23:29 < danvet> anyway really need to get those bylaws acked now, so I guess we'll move on to migration 23:29 < danvet> robclark, any more movement since that mail with daniels? 23:29 < mupuf_> ack 23:29 < robclark> danvet, no.. need to re-ping daniels.. 23:30 < danvet> hm :( 23:30 < robclark> somehow I was thinking mtg was next week so I still had some time ;-) 23:30 < danvet> nope ;-) 23:30 < danvet> it's always one week earlier than you think 23:31 < danvet> robclark, can you pls also push for the mail relay account thing that keithp's been talking about? 23:31 < robclark> heh, sigh.. 23:31 < robclark> I thought that was already set up.. I just need to find a time when both keithp and I are around at the same time? 23:32 < whot> theory goes you're even in the same time zone :) 23:32 < danvet> well practically. same continent at least 23:32 < danvet> anyway, I'd say that's well volunteered ;-) 23:32 < danvet> do we have anything else? 23:32 < whot> oh, right. keithp is still west coast, isn't it 23:33 < whot> GSoC seems to be starting up again, are we joining in again? agd5f, mupuf_? 23:33 < mupuf_> What? 23:33 < mupuf_> Already? :o 23:33 < agd5f> whot, it's always sooner than you think :) 23:33 < danvet> oh that's starting up already again? 23:34 * danvet had no clue 23:34 < agd5f> not really much to do until feb IIRC 23:34 < mupuf_> yes 23:34 < mupuf_> they just had their reunion 23:35 < whot> sign up as org is all that's needed, I think. didn't read the deadlines, I just remember the mail floating past 23:35 < mupuf_> at some point, someone will have to go there :D 23:35 < mupuf_> we NEVER go there 23:35 < mupuf_> there is nothing on google-melange yet for the GSoC 2016 23:35 < danvet> ok, sounds good 23:36 < stukreit> do you mean go to mountain view? Its in my neighborhood 23:37 < danvet> oh almost forgotten: I'm offline/travelling the next 2 mtgs 23:37 < danvet> whot, can you pls take over interim? 23:37 < whot> np 23:38 < danvet> thx 23:38 < mupuf_> stukreit: really? why do you never propose to go then? Maybe I should forward this kind of invitations to the board actually :s 23:38 < mupuf_> I just assumed or asked, can't remember 23:38 < danvet> I think that's it, if no one pipes up I'll close this mtg now a bit early 23:38 < danvet> ok? 23:38 < agd5f> they pay for the travel too in some cases 23:38 < whot> works for me 23:38 < stukreit> the problem is I am not equipped to mentor the cutting edge projects. We're always doing catchup things 23:38 -!- jcristau [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:39 < agd5f> stukreit, I don't think it matters for the meetup as long as you were an mentor or an admin 23:39 < whot> and you can sign up as mentor and not mentor anything. still gets you a free t-shirt :) 23:39 < mupuf_> we still need to talk about XDC 23:40 < stukreit> I once asked to attend and they refused. perhaps I should pursue those other avenues. I'm probably the only sw eng in the bay area who hasn't had lunch at google cafeteria 23:40 < mupuf_> lol 23:40 < danvet> oh dear right, totally forgotten xdc 2016 23:40 < danvet> everyone still here? 23:40 < marcoz> FINLAND!!!!! WOOT! 23:41 < agd5f> maybe we should reschedule for summer :) 23:41 < robclark> mupuf_, I think we'd need to know length of day vs proposed dates for anything that far north ;-) 23:41 < marcoz> sorry, I'm supposed to be unbiased until after the vote right? 23:41 < danvet> so everyone read the proposal from mupuf/intel 23:41 < danvet> robclark, sept is fairly even worldwide 23:41 < whot> mupuf_: what's the required deadline for a decision. theory goes there could be another proposal (unlikely) so maybe we should wait a bit 23:41 < mupuf_> robclark: around this time of the year, it is the same as the ones for XDC2015 23:42 < danvet> so definitely not party until 6am because never dark ;-) 23:42 < whot> or, if nothing else put a public tender out. not sure if this really matters, I think everyone is mostly happy to have one proposal :) 23:42 < mupuf_> if we want that, we will need to move the conference to the end of june 23:42 < mupuf_> but students will be long gone 23:43 < mupuf_> so it would be end of May :D 23:43 < mupuf_> which is waaaayyyy too early 23:43 < mupuf_> so.. 23:43 < danvet> sept is fine imo 23:43 < mupuf_> yeah, and the temperature is normal 23:43 < agd5f> we should probably shoot out a RFP just in case, but I'm fine with finland 23:43 < danvet> whot, never done the process, I figured you just submit something for the next xdc ... 23:43 < danvet> not aware of anything else 23:44 < danvet> I guess I can send a mail to members@ asking for other proposals by the next mtg so the board can decide? 23:44 < mupuf_> that sounds reasonable 23:44 < mupuf_> we never had to do it 23:44 < mupuf_> I did not want us to just commit to this one 23:44 <+egbert> no, we never did. 23:44 <+egbert> not sure if members would be the right list. 23:45 < whot> there isn't really a process, except for last year we never had more than one proposal. so the question is mainly whether we are happy with .fi or give others the chance to offer another alternative. there's no rules either, we can make them up as we go along 23:45 < mupuf_> just that we need a date by which we can start committing 23:45 <+egbert> the audience there is a bit limited. 23:45 < mupuf_> so as we can spend more time on it 23:45 < danvet> mupuf_, did kimmo say anything about when he needs the confirmation? 23:45 < mupuf_> nope, I guess the sooner the better 23:45 <+egbert> i don't think we need to wait any longer. 23:45 < whot> imo a public-enough process would be to email the usual lists (where the announcements go) with a request for proposals about next year's XDC 23:46 < danvet> egbert, there's a bunch there from intel and former nokians right in helsinki 23:46 < danvet> but more expensive than europe usually is for european students, but not much I'd say 23:46 <+egbert> danvet: i know. 23:46 < whot> but again, this is mostly for transparency purposes, nothing stops is with going with the first offer 23:46 <+egbert> exactly. 23:47 < danvet> ok, I'll self-volunteer to send out a mail to usual suspects and then we can vote in 2 weeks 23:47 < danvet> that ok? 23:47 < agd5f> +1 23:47 < danvet> +1 23:47 <+egbert> +1 23:48 < whot> +1 23:48 < robclark> +1 23:48 < marcoz> +1 23:48 < mupuf_> +1 23:49 < danvet> excellent 23:49 < mupuf_> there is also nvidia in helsinki 23:49 < mupuf_> and laurent pinchart 23:50 < danvet> laurent doesn't live there, but he is there fairly often ... 23:50 < danvet> at least that's what I've thought 23:50 < mupuf_> oh, ok 23:51 < danvet> ok, I hope that's all 23:51 < danvet> if no one pipes up while I finish the minutes I'll close this now 23:51 < danvet> thx a lot everyone 23:52 < marcoz> later have a good one! 23:52 <+egbert> thanks! good night! 23:52 < robclark> sounds good, let me know if you know when keithp is back and I'll ping him for that half of the expo email saga.. 23:52 < mupuf_> good night!