The X.Org Foundation is holding elections for the BoardOfDirectors. The Elections overview page describes the voting methods and process. Members may vote by logging in to the web app on

For the 2011 elections, the regular 4 seats are open for 2 year terms.

Results of the Candidate Q&A can be found on BoardOfDirectors/Elections/2011/qa.

Election Dates


Eric Anholt

Current Affiliation
Statement of Contribution
My role in X.Org has largely been as a developer, including contributions to the EXA acceleration architecture, RandR 1.2 development, and developing native Intel modesetting.
Personal Statement
Eric Anholt has been active in the X community for the last 5 years as an Intel graphics driver developer, and before that as a general DRI driver and FreeBSD DRM hacker. As an X.Org board member, Eric has managed the member application process, done minor system administration on the X.Org server, and passed messages on to the sysadmin when it has been out of his scope.

Alan Coopersmith

Current Affiliation
Statement of Contribution
X11 R6.9, 7.5, + 7.6 Release Manager, Modularization Task Force + Security Coordination Team, Maintainer of xdm + Solaris/OpenSolaris port of Xorg
Personal Statement
I am running for re-election to the X.Org Foundation Board, having served as a member for the past two years, and the Secretary for the past year.
The role of the X.Org Board is to manage the resources of the foundation and use them to support the developers, both current and new. Travel sponsorships for developers and Summer of Code students to come to X.Org conferences have worked well, and the board has also funded some targeted hackfests, and have accepted proposals for a couple more still in the planning stages. The Board should encourage more proposals for other ways to make use of the foundations resources.
When I last ran, I said that members should have greater visibility into the workings of the X.Org Board, including more frequent reports from the board of the tasks it is working on. This has happened over the past two years, with information on board meetings now regularly provided to the members, and should continue.
I am glad to have been able to serve the X.Org membership over these past two years, and appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve.

Stuart Kreitman

Current Affiliation
Statement of Contribution
Xorg promoter to the Open Solaris community, hacker, ?DevConf organizer, board member for several terms
Personal Statement
As current treasurer and former board member of, I am thankful to be considered for re-election to the board.  I generally attend the bimonthly board meetings already, so this added role would allow us to reach a quorum more often, which would expedite business.
My technical life has included Xorg maintenance and advocacy within my organization and user community (Sun, now Oracle), and occasionally committing resources from that organization for the benefit of the Xorg community.

Bart Massey

Current Affiliation
Portland State University
Statement of Contribution
I am a member of the X.Org Foundation Board, an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Portland State University, and an X geek with 20 years experience. I'm the architect, advisor, and sometimes implementor to the XCB project, which provides a modern replacement to Xlib. I've also tried to help out with design and algorithms for Xft, Render, Cairo, and various other projects. PSU hosts's infrastructure, and PSU students have contributed to X in substantial ways. I am currently investigating X in Haskell and GUI toolkit design.
Personal Statement
I've had the privilege of serving the X.Org Foundation Board as a Board Member over the last four years, as Secretary for three.
In the last two years, the X.Org Foundation has consolidated many of the gains that we made previously. The Foundation was successful in supporting and encouraging communication in the X community, and in deploying our resources to support X technical development.
We have been working harder to recruit new developers. I recently helped to initiate an effort to collect, reorganize and rationalize X developer documentation. We plan to push forward in the coming year with new developer documents, for which I am organizing a book sprint. I have continued to be involved with the Google / X.Org Summer of Code, and have continued to contribute to various X projects such as XCB that are new-developer friendly.
There's still a lot to do. The end of our interminable corporate and financial reorganization is in sight. We need to understand how the Foundation should support transitions to "post-X.Org" technologies such as Wayland. I'd like to continue with the Board and help with these activities. I humbly ask for your support in doing so.

Tiago Vignatti

Current Affiliation
Statement of Contribution
Following Linux graphics open communities since 2006. My interests are on X Window System development and implementation, processes of open source development, and any other graphics technologies that enable embedded system development.
Personal Statement
As a university student, back in 2006, I got involved with X.Org when I started my contribution with X development; the time was great, I was doing it as a hobby and for fun, and I had the pleasure to attend a couple of X conferences.
Nowadays I do the same, but working for Nokia; besides being paid (which is good), the difference now is that I try push the resources of the company to keep the open source implementation of X, in which I believe and think it can be shaped in a beneficial way for everyone, technically and politically speaking.
Also, I believe I can give a step further, using my experience and knowledge to help the Foundation in all the possible ways, attracting more developers and contributors for the development of X. I would be quite happy to do my best for X.Org.

Carl Worth

Current Affiliation
Statement of Contribution
I was lured into the world of X by an invitation to implement trapezoid rasterization for the software implementation of Render in the server. From there I moved up the stack implementing the cairo graphics library so there would be an easier way to get interesting graphics in X without coding XRender directly. More recently, I've come back down the stack working to improve the xf86-video-intel drivers so that cairo will be reasonably accelerated.
Personal Statement
The X Window System has an essential role in an increasing number of mobile and desktop platforms built with Free Software. Of course, the X.Org Foundation has no technical role in the development of the system. But the foundation does have a unique position to be able to facilitate the workings of the community. Examples of foundation activities include hosting developers' summits and attracting new developers by funding students. I would be happy to contribute of my time and effort to help with these and other appropriate foundation activities.