Creating new XKeyboardConfig compat/geometry/keycodes/keymap/rules/semantics/symbols/types
(Warning this guide is incomplete, you might also want to check the links at the main page.)
What does XKeyboardConfig do ?
XKeyboardConfig (also referred to as xkb) is responsible for making sure your pressed key on your keyboard produces the desired letter or symbol. For example, if I press the 'A' key I wish for a 'A' to appear on my screen and not a 'Q'.
xkb concepts
When a key is pressed on a keyboard it generates a code. The codes it generates are called the keycode.
The keycodes have to be translated to symbols such as: A @ Ω. This information is stored in the symbol files.
Keyboards have different layouts, keys, key shapes and key location. This information is stored called geometry.
Finally a keymap is a set of symbols, modifiers, geometry to form a working keyboard.
(The following terms are missing from this introduction: types, compatibility maps, rules and semantics)
Testing configurations
There are a few methods to load a keyboard config:
- By command line:
- setxkbmap
- By a gui:
- Gnome
- KDE (Note: the above list might not be complete.)
Be warned: it is possible to load a broken keymap, preventing you to type. And easy way to prevent this is loading 2 keymaps at the same time.
Location the xkb config files
On this page the location of theses files will be referred to as $xkbdir$. The typical directories are:
- /usr/share/X11/xkb/ (Note: the above list needs completion.)
If all fails you can try to locate them by your favorite search application. Search for "semantics.dir".
We will make a new symbols configuration. We will name it $custom$ (for example 'test'). The next steps will be taken:
- Create a new symbol file.
- Write the content of the file.
- Add the file to the list.
- Load the file.
Creating a new symbol map
Create a new symbol file "$xkbdir$/symbols/$custom$". In our example case it would be the file "/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/test".
Writing a symbol file
Adding the file to the list
There are 2 files you need to update:
- $xkbdir$/rules/xorg.lst
- $xkbdir$/rules/xorg.xml
This is the most simple and least complex file to update. Open the file and look for the string "! layout". Below that you see a list of layouts. Add your layout to it:
$custom$ $custom_full_name"
For example:
test My test layout"
This file is slightly more complex. Open the file and look for the string "
<layout> <configItem> <name>$custom$</name> <shortDescription>$shortdescription$</shortDescription> <shortDescription xml:lang="$languagecode$">$shortdescription_in$</shortDescription> <description>$description$</description> <description xml:lang="$languagecode$">$description$</description> </configItem> <variantList> <variant> <configItem> <name>$custom_variant$</name> <description>$description$</description> <description xml:lang="$languagecode$">$description_in$</description> </configItem> </variant> </variantList> </layout>
- $shortdescription$ = A short description of your layout,for example: "USA".
- $languagecode$ = the language code, for example "fr".
- $shortdescription_in$ = Same as $shortdescription$ but in another language.
- $description$ = A longer description of your layout, for example: "U.S. English"
- $description_in$ = Same as $description$ but in another language.
Loading the symbols
Using command line
It's recommend to enable choosing between keyboards. If you haven't done so in your xorg.conf file you can still do it now. Run the command: setxkbmap -option grp:ctrls_toggle
Possible alternative are:
- grp:toggle
- grp:alt_shift_toggle
- grp:alts_toggle
- grp:caps_toggle
- grp:ctrl_alt_toggle
- grp:ctrl_shift_toggle
- grp:ctrls_toggle
- grp:lalt_toggle
- grp:lctrl_toggle
- grp:lshift_toggle
- grp:lwin_toggle
- grp:menu_toggle
- grp:rctrl_toggle
- grp:rshift_toggle
- grp:rwin_toggle
- grp:shift_caps_toggle
- grp:shift_toggle Now you can run the next command safely (without having to fear loosing your ability to type):
setxkbmap -layout $your_default$,$custom$
(And example of $your_default$ would be 'us'.)
To get more error reports use:
setxkbmap -layout $your_default$,$custom$ -v10
setxkbmap -layout $your_default$,$custom$ -print | xkbcomp - $DISPLAY