Stand Alone Unit Test HowTo

Beignet provides an independent unit test suite covered most OpenCL language feautures, including more than 800 cases which could run in a few minutes, it should be useful for testing and comparing different OpenCL implementations.


OpenCL ICD. Please check your OpenCL ICD existance by command pkg-config --libs OpenCL.

Build Stand Alone Unit Test

The project uses CMake with three profiles:

  1. Debug (-g)
  2. RelWithDebInfo (-g with optimizations)
  3. Release (only optimizations)

Basically, from the root directory of the project

> cd utest

> cmake . # to configure

> make

Once built, the 'utest_run' is generated in currenty directory.

How to run

You need to call in the utests/ directory to set some environment variables firstly as below:

> .

Then in utests/:

> ./utest_run

if the utest_run fail to run, please check /etc/vendors/OpenCL to confirm it calls the expected OpenCL driver, or export LD_LIBRARAY_PATH to establish the correct link.