This describes the list of problems with the current Farstream API in git.
Possible race: One has a session with one stream... one creates a new stream.. then packet in the new stream come in (with the new stream's cname) before the "src-pad-added" signal is connected... ie doesn't link... failure ensues.. Possible other api changes that should happen: ?
Need better API for ICE restarts?
- Multiple STUNs servers (Using a 0-terminated array of (gchar *, guint)) or use GInetSocketAddress everywhere?
- Set relay info after the discovery has started?
- Use a regular array for relays
- New api, can be added later
- Find a solution for SIP forking:
- Use regular Gst Error message ? ... they have translated messages.. which is annoying
- Add a way to specify a max framerate (for the SDP attribute a=framerate) (maybe just a property on the session like the bitrate?)
- rename transmitters to transceivers, put them into $(libdir)/farstream-1.0/transceivers to reduce plugin file name fidgetry, and maybe match up on the Tp.Ch.Type.Call vs Farsight terminology? :)