Definitions: target user, what's an application, etc. [vuntz,hughsie,prusnak,mls,Samuel]
- Bash? Firefox? Apache? MySQL?
- Use .desktop file as app id? Quick showcase [enrico, vuntz,frank,hughsie,ffesti,Samuel?,Nanar,mvo]
- What metadata [frank, Samuel,hughsie, mvo]
- Grouping apps (Games, Action Games, etc.) [enrico,hughsie,mvo, prusnak, Samuel,david,ffesti]
- Delta metadata?
- How to access (API/format) [enrico,frank,hughsie,mvo,misc,mls,Samuel,prusnak,david,Nanar,ffesti]
- Where (server? local?) [enrico,frank,hughsie,mvo,misc,mls,Samuel,prusnak,david,ffesti]
- Relating apps and their add-ons (Recommends/Suggests/addons) [wstephenson,hughsie]
- How do we identify uniquely an application. From what information ? Do we need to define a unique identifier ? Where, who ?
Moderation [hughsie,mvo,wstephenson] Localization [vuntz,mvo(?),misc,Samuel,david,hughsie]
of metadata * Find & install apps* [vuntz,hughsie,mvo,prusnak,mls,david,ffesti,Samuel?]
UI [enrico,hughsie,mvo,prusnak,ffesti]
- Suggests [enrico,frank,hughsie,mvo,prusnak,david,ffesti]
- Addons (think browser or app plugins) [mvo,prusnak,Samuel]
- Grouping of packages as one application [Samuel,prusnak,Nanar,ffesti] => based on dependancies (strong or weak dependencies), with a special treatment for localization packages. UI to display installed apps [enrico,hughsie,mvo(?),ffestiy]
UI for updates [vuntz,hughsie,mvo,mls,wstephenson]
Use cases? Target users? Anti-users?
Restrictions [enrico,misc,Nanar]
- legal issues/restrictions depending on your location?
- children vs adult content [Samuel]
should we care/can we do something? Maybe just use distro blends/flavors What to tell upstream? [vuntz,hughsie,misc,prusnak,wstephenson]
require .desktop files to appear in app store? [hughsie]
- push package description in .desktop files upstream? [hughsie,Samuel] official repos vs "third-party-provided" ones [misc,Nanar,Samuel?,hughsie]