Processes of the CoC Committee
Those policies and proceedings are defined according to the Hosting Policies and build upon them.
Transparency reports
See reports of the board of directors presented at XDC.
Conflict of Interest
If members of the CoC Committee feel out of personal reasons, required by their employer if it involves an employee of the same company, or otherwise conclude there could be a risk of a decision being driven by a Conflict of Interest, they'll recuse themselves from participation and votings in regards to specific incidences.
In order to enable reports against members of the CoC Committee, the Committee takes proactive steps to ensure confidentiality and prevent power abuse.
All emails sent to the conduct mailing list are approved by default unless the size is above 40KB or held up by spam protection. All members will be notified about emails entering the moderation queue.
Emails sent to members directly are kept confidential unless required to proceed with the report and to discuss it with the Committee. The reporter will be consulted about what of the report to share and with whom. In case a report has been made against members of the Committee they won't be notified nor participate in discussions around that report. While taking any action against such members, the rest of the Committee tries their best to hide the fact a report has been made in the first place.
Proposing new members
The Hosting Policies states, that with a sufficient number of members on the CoC Committee, the Committee itself proposes new members to the Board of Directors.
In order to propose a new candidate under this rule, a member of the CoC Committee writes an e-mail to the Board of Directors while CCing the Conduct Mailing List. The BoD should make sure there was sufficient time for any member on the CoC Committee to voice their disagreement. Voicing disagreement means the proposal is effectively vetoed and therefore nullifying the proposal of that candidate.
CoC Committee composition
There shouldn't be more than two members from the same company to avoid the impression of a single company having power over the CoC Committee. There also should be at least 4 members on the Committee at all times.
The CoC Committee should try its best to select those candidates out of potential ones, which would make the team more diverse in terms of represented projects and companies, but also in terms of cultural and social background.
Anybody interested in joining the CoC Committee is free to reach out to any of the current members directly or to write to
It's expected that anybody joining the CoC committee to undergo CoC enforcement training, either the one offered by the Board of Directors or something similar to that.
Each CoC Committee will be listed on the Code of Conduct page including their current relevant affiliation to a company or other institution.
Personal Data Policy
The CoC Committee keeps permanent record of the following:
- Names and handles of persons the CoC Committee took formal actions against
- Formal actions taken (like bans, suspensions, improvement plans) alongside their reasons, duration and date