Stephane Marchesin
- NV03 12d2:0018 (AGP, Dsub)
- NV04 10de:0020 (AGP, 16MB, Dsub)
- NV05 10de:0028 (AGP, 16MB, Dsub, 135/166 mhz)
- NV06 10de:002c (PCI, 32MB, Dsub)
- NV06 10de:002d (AGP, 32MB, Dsub)
- NV10 10de:0101 (AGP, 32MB, Dsub)
- NV11 10de:0110 (AGP, 32MB, Dsub, TVout) softquadroable into 10de:0113
- NV11 10de:0110 (AGP, 32MB, Dsub)
- NV15 10de:0150 (AGP, 32MB, Dsub, TVout, TVin) softquadroable into 10de:0153
- NV18 10de:0185 (AGP, 64MB, Dsub) softquadroable into 10de:018b
- NV20 10de:0201 (AGP, 64MB, Dsub, TVout)
- NV28 10de:0281 (AGP, 128MB, Dsub, DVI, Tvout) softquadroable into 10de:0289
- NV30GL 10de:0309 (AGP, 128MB, DVI, DVI)
- NV34GL 10de:032a (PCI, 64MB)
- NV44 10de:0221 (AGP, 128MB, Dsub, DVI)
- G86 10de:0XXX (PCIE, 256MB, Dsub, DVI)
- see if the multisampling technique from geforce 2 can be used for hardware mipmap generation
- Install an older driver on the nv28 (3xxx, 4xxx) to play with ext_vertex_weighting (figure out if it has a second modelview matrix for vertex weight stuff)
- run test_startup() on the nv18 in nv18 & nv18sgl modes
- fix the multiple fifo free issue (it seems fifo_free is called multiple times)
- look at the nv15 with tv-in. see if it has a bigger aperture, which would be where the tv in regs sit.
- add support for a crash hook for ubuntu automatic bug reporting.
- check that my tnt2m64 has proper detection of its vram amount
- explore the usage of movnt* to write to PCI memory. This will avoid polluting the cache, both for DMA source memory and FIFO writes. This might explain the performance difference of PCI and AGP.